Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Private, Four-years School Located in Geneva, NY

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How much is the Hobart and William Smith Colleges tuition? For the academic year 2023-2024, Hobart and William Smith Colleges's tuition & fees is $63,268.
With indirect costs not billed by school, such as room & boards and personal living expenses, the total cost of attendance for one academic year is $82,178 when a student lives on-campus.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges Tuition & Expenses

2022-2023 Rate
Tuition & Fees$63,268
Books & Supplies Costs$1,300
On-campus Room & Board$16,910
On-campus Expenses$700
Off-campus Room & Board$14,875
Off-campus Expenses$700
2023-2024 Estimates
Tuition & Fees$66,548

How Much Does it Cost to Go to Hobart and William Smith Colleges for 4 Years?

For the class of 2027, who entering colleges in 2023, the 4 years tuition & fees is $269,288 at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. The estimated tuition rate is based on the changes over last 5 years. With room & board, books, and other personal expenses, the estimated 4 years costs of attendance is $345,027. After receiving financial aid including grants, scholarships, and/or student loans, the 4 years COA is down to $166,717.
The following table computes the 4 years tuition and COA by class of year.
College YearTuition & FeesCOAAfter Financial Aid
Freshmen (2023-24)$64,850$82,974$40,034
Sophomore (2024-25)$66,471$85,125$41,111
Junior (2025-26)$68,132$87,332$42,218
Senior (2026-27)$69,835$89,596$43,354
4 Years Total$269,288$345,027$166,717
College YearTuition & FeesCOAAfter Financial Aid
Freshmen (2024-25)$66,471$85,125$41,111
Sophomore (2025-26)$68,132$87,332$42,218
Junior (2026-27)$69,835$89,596$43,354
Senior (2027-28)$71,581$91,919$44,522
4 Years Total$276,020$353,972$171,205
College YearTuition & FeesCOAAfter Financial Aid
Freshmen (2025-26)$68,132$87,332$42,218
Sophomore (2026-27)$69,835$89,596$43,354
Junior (2027-28)$71,581$91,919$44,522
Senior (2028-29)$73,371$94,303$45,720
4 Years Total$282,920$363,150$175,814
College YearTuition & FeesCOAAfter Financial Aid
Freshmen (2026-27)$69,835$89,596$43,354
Sophomore (2027-28)$71,581$91,919$44,522
Junior (2028-29)$73,371$94,303$45,720
Senior (2029-30)$75,205$96,749$46,952
4 Years Total$289,992$372,567$180,548
College YearTuition & FeesCOAAfter Financial Aid
Freshmen (2027-28)$71,581$91,919$44,522
Sophomore (2028-29)$73,371$94,303$45,720
Junior (2029-30)$75,205$96,749$46,952
Senior (2030-31)$77,085$99,258$48,216
4 Years Total$297,241$382,229$185,410

Average Tuition By School Type and Comparison

Compared to four-years schools nationwide, Hobart and William Smith Colleges' tuition is much higher than the average tuition of $20,937. Compared to private, four-years colleges in New York, its tuition is much higher than the average tuition of $23,757.
Hobart and William Smith Colleges$63,268
U.S. Four-years Colleges$18,672
Public Schools$7,199$12,960
Private Schools$20,937
New York Four-years Colleges$21,676
Public Schools$9,799$14,823
Private Schools$23,757

Compare Similar School's Tuition

The next table compares the tuition & fees between Hobart and William Smith Colleges and similar schools. The similar colleges are selected by school type & level (private, four-years), ranking, and comparison frequency by our users. The comparison is based on 2022-2023 tuition rate.
Hobart and William Smith CollegesGeneva, NY$63,268$26,295
St Olaf CollegeNorthfield, MN$56,970-
Pitzer CollegeClaremont, CA$62,692-
Colorado CollegeColorado Springs, CO$67,932$28,900
College of the Holy CrossWorcester, MA$60,850-
Wheaton CollegeWheaton, IL$43,930$19,440
William Jewell CollegeLiberty, MO$19,890$5,736
Whittier CollegeWhittier, CA$49,864$14,742
Gordon CollegeWenham, MA$28,100$8,113
Trinity CollegeHartford, CT$67,420$18,880
Luther CollegeDecorah, IA$50,320-

Financial Aid and COA

At Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 1,548 students (93%) received grant or scholarship from the federal government, state or local government, the institution, and other sources. The average amount of grant/scholarship received is $41,893.
After receiving financial aid, the cost of attendance (COA) at Hobart and William Smith Colleges is $40,285 for students living on-campus and $38,250 for students living off-campus.
For beginning students (i.e. first-time freshmen), 354 students received any type of financial aid including grants/scholarship and student loans. The average amount of grant/scholarship for the first-time students is $44,331 and the average amount of student loans is $8,228.
The financial aid data is based on 2021-2022 statistics from IPEDS.
COA (on-campus)$82,178
COA (off-campus)$80,143
Tuition & Fees$63,268
Indirect Costs (on-campus)$18,910
Indirect Costs (off-campus)$16,875
COA (on-campus) after Receiving Aid$40,285
COA (off-campus) after Receiving Aid$38,250
Average Financial Aid$41,893
Type of AidNumber Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidAverage Amount of Aid Received
Grant or Scholarship1,54893%$41,893
Pell Grants38623%$4,983
Federal Student Loan99560%$6,358
Type of AidNumber Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidAverage Amount of Aid Received
Any Financial Aid35496%-
Grants or Scholarships34995%$44,331
Federal Grants10027%$6,844
Pell Grants10027%$5,112
Other Federal Grants6919%$2,511
State/Local Grants6317%$4,689
Institutional Grants34895%$41,643
Student Loan Aid21960%$8,228
Federal Student Loans21358%$5,004
Other Student Loans3911%$18,879

Admission Stats and Requirements to Apply

Hobart and William Smith Colleges's acceptance rate is 67.43%. A total of 3,752 applicants applied to and 2,530 students were accepted. Of the admitted students, 367 enrolled finally, and the yield (i.e. enrollment rate) is 14.51%.
To apply to Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 4 items are required - Secondary school record, Completion of college-preparatory program, Recommendations and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). SAT and ACT scores are considered during the admissions process but are not required to be submitted.
Acceptance Rate67.43%64.76%69.85%
Yield (Enrollment Rate)14.51%15.68%13.52%
Secondary school GPAConsidered But Not Required
Secondary school rankConsidered But Not Required
Secondary school recordRequired
Completion of college-preparatory programRequired
Formal demonstration of competenciesNeither Required Nor Recommended
Admission test scoresConsidered But Not Required
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)Required
Other Test (Wonderlic, WISC-III, etc.)Neither Required Nor Recommended

SAT and ACT Scores

The SAT and ACT scores are considered but not required to apply to Hobart and William Smith Colleges. The average SAT score of the enrolled first-time students is 1,270 and the average ACT score (ACT composite) is 29.
Its SAT score is higher than the national average score of 1,168. The ACT score is much higher than the national average score of 24.
SAT Total1,2701,1701,370
National Average1,168
New York Average1,249
SAT EBRW635580690
SAT Math635590680
ACT Composite292631
National Average24
New York Average28
ACT Math262328
ACT English292533

Student Population

Hobart and William Smith Colleges has a total of 1,607 students including 1,559 undergraduate and 48 graduate students. By gender, there are 815 male students and 869 female students attending Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
Total1,684 815869
Undergraduate1,660 802858
Graduate24 1311

Directory & Academic Information

Directory Information
Address337 Pulteney Street, Geneva, NY
Degree & Programs
DegreeUndergraduate, Graduate
Program Offered53 Programs
Graduate Program Offered4 Graduate Programs
Academic Stats
Acceptance Rate68.38%
Student Population1,607
Graduation Rate73%
Retention Rate87%
Students to Faculty Ratio Rate8 to 1
Faculty & Staffs
Number of Faculties194 (Full-time), 28 (Part-time)
Number of Staffs477 (Full-time), 100 (Part-time)
Average Faculty Salary$80,014
Average Staff Salary$66,333