Galen Health Institutes-Sarasota

Private, Four-years School Located in Sarasota, FL

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How much is the Galen Health Institutes-Sarasota tuition? For the academic year 2023-2024, Galen Health Institutes-Sarasota's tuition & fees is $16,400.
With indirect costs not billed by school, such as room & boards and personal living expenses, the total cost of attendance for one academic year is $26,712 when a student lives off-campus.

Galen Health Institutes-Sarasota Tuition & Expenses

2022-2023 Rate
Tuition & Fees$16,400
Books & Supplies Costs$250
Off-campus Room & Board$5,031
Off-campus Expenses$5,031

How Much Does it Cost to Go to Galen Health Institutes-Sarasota for 4 Years?

For the class of 2027, who entering colleges in 2023, the 4 years tuition & fees is $9,351 at Galen Health Institutes-Sarasota. The estimated tuition rate is based on the changes over last 5 years.
The following table computes the 4 years tuition and COA by class of year.
College YearTuition & FeesCOA
Freshmen (2023-24)$6,025
Sophomore (2024-25)$2,214
Junior (2025-26)$813
Senior (2026-27)$299
4 Years Total$9,351
College YearTuition & FeesCOA
Freshmen (2024-25)$2,214
Sophomore (2025-26)$813
Junior (2026-27)$299
Senior (2027-28)$110
4 Years Total$3,435
College YearTuition & FeesCOA
Freshmen (2025-26)$813
Sophomore (2026-27)$299
Junior (2027-28)$110
Senior (2028-29)$40
4 Years Total$1,262
College YearTuition & FeesCOA
Freshmen (2026-27)$299
Sophomore (2027-28)$110
Junior (2028-29)$40
Senior (2029-30)$15
4 Years Total$464
College YearTuition & FeesCOA
Freshmen (2027-28)$110
Sophomore (2028-29)$40
Junior (2029-30)$15
Senior (2030-31)$5
4 Years Total$170

Average Tuition By School Type and Comparison

Compared to four-years schools nationwide, Galen Health Institutes-Sarasota' tuition is lower than the average tuition of $20,937. Compared to private, four-years colleges in Florida, its tuition is slightly lower than the average tuition of $19,195.
Galen Health Institutes-Sarasota$16,400
U.S. Four-years Colleges$18,672
Public Schools$7,199$12,960
Private Schools$20,937
Florida Four-years Colleges$17,068
Public Schools$4,190$8,844
Private Schools$19,195

Compare Similar School's Tuition

The next table compares the tuition & fees between Galen Health Institutes-Sarasota and similar schools. The similar colleges are selected by school type & level (private, four-years), ranking, and comparison frequency by our users. The comparison is based on 2022-2023 tuition rate.
LocationTuition & Fees
Galen Health Institutes-SarasotaSarasota, FL$16,400
Atlantic Technical CollegeCoconut Creek, FL$4,516
North Florida Technical CollegeStarke, FL$7,922
Charlotte Technical CollegePort Charlotte, FL$12,100
Lorenzo Walker Technical CollegeNaples, FL$8,005
Florida Institute of Ultrasound IncPensacola, FL$19,900
Florida School of MassageGainesville, FL$10,835
Fort Pierce Beauty AcademyFort Pierce, FL$20,825
George Stone Technical CollegePensacola, FL$3,218
George T Baker Aviation Technical CollegeMiami, FL$4,210
Hollywood Institute of Beauty CareersHollywood, FL$9,804

Directory & Academic Information

Directory Information
Address501 N. Cattleman Road, Sarasota, FL
Degree & Programs
Program Offered1 Programs
Academic Stats
Student Population130
Students to Faculty Ratio Rate13 to 1
Faculty & Staffs