Florida Education Institute

Private, 2-4 Years School Located in Miami, FL

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How much is the Florida Education Institute tuition? For the academic year 2023-2024, Florida Education Institute's tuition & fees is $18,141.
With indirect costs not billed by school, such as room & boards and personal living expenses, the total cost of attendance for one academic year is $48,005 when a student lives off-campus.

Florida Education Institute Tuition & Expenses

2022-2023 Rate
Tuition & Fees$18,141
Books & Supplies Costs$450
Off-campus Room & Board$15,290
Off-campus Expenses$14,124
2023-2024 Estimates
Tuition & Fees$19,444

Average Tuition By School Type and Comparison

Compared to 2-4 years schools nationwide, Florida Education Institute' tuition is slightly lower than the average tuition of $20,937. Compared to private, 2-4 years colleges in Florida, its tuition is comparable to the average tuition of $19,195.
Florida Education Institute$18,141
U.S. 2-4 Years Colleges$18,672
Public Schools$7,199$12,960
Private Schools$20,937
Florida 2-4 Years Colleges$17,068
Public Schools$4,190$8,844
Private Schools$19,195

Compare Similar School's Tuition

The next table compares the tuition & fees between Florida Education Institute and similar schools. The similar colleges are selected by school type & level (private, 2-4 years), ranking, and comparison frequency by our users. The comparison is based on 2022-2023 tuition rate.
LocationTuition & Fees
Florida Education InstituteMiami, FL$18,141
Atlantic Technical CollegeCoconut Creek, FL$4,516
North Florida Technical CollegeStarke, FL$7,922
Charlotte Technical CollegePort Charlotte, FL$12,100
Lorenzo Walker Technical CollegeNaples, FL$8,005
Florida Institute of Ultrasound IncPensacola, FL$19,900
Florida School of MassageGainesville, FL$10,835
Fort Pierce Beauty AcademyFort Pierce, FL$20,825
George Stone Technical CollegePensacola, FL$3,218
George T Baker Aviation Technical CollegeMiami, FL$4,210
Hollywood Institute of Beauty CareersHollywood, FL$9,804

Financial Aid and COA

At Florida Education Institute, 258 students (47%) received grant or scholarship from the federal government, state or local government, the institution, and other sources. The average amount of grant/scholarship received is $4,498.
After receiving financial aid, the cost of attendance (COA) at Florida Education Institute is $43,507 for students living off-campus.
For beginning students (i.e. first-time freshmen), 361 students received any type of financial aid including grants/scholarship and student loans. The average amount of grant/scholarship for the first-time students is $4,434 and the average amount of student loans is $6,395.
The financial aid data is based on 2021-2022 statistics from IPEDS.
COA (off-campus)$48,005
Tuition & Fees$18,141
Indirect Costs (off-campus)$29,864
COA (off-campus) after Receiving Aid$43,507
Average Financial Aid$4,498
Type of AidNumber Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidAverage Amount of Aid Received
Grant or Scholarship25847%$4,498
Pell Grants24044%$4,120
Federal Student Loan25947%$7,021
Type of AidNumber Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidAverage Amount of Aid Received
Any Financial Aid36197%-
Grants or Scholarships24064%$4,434
Federal Grants24064%$4,196
Pell Grants23663%$4,170
Other Federal Grants15943%$146
State/Local Grants0--
Institutional Grants6016%$952
Student Loan Aid25468%$6,395
Federal Student Loans25468%$5,624
Other Student Loans25067%$783

Student Population

Florida Education Institute has a total of 680 students (all undergraduate). By gender, there are 48 male students and 170 female students attending Florida Education Institute. The school offers online degree programs and 44 students enrolled online exclusively (6.47% of all students).
Undergraduate218 48170

Directory & Academic Information

Directory Information
Address5818 SW 8th St, Miami, FL
Degree & Programs
Program Offered8 Programs
Academic Stats
Student Population680
Graduation Rate81%
Transfer-out Rate1%
Retention Rate83%
Students to Faculty Ratio Rate23 to 1
Faculty & Staffs
Number of Faculties8 (Full-time), 8 (Part-time)
Number of Staffs24 (Full-time), 8 (Part-time)
Average Faculty Salary$43,835
Average Staff Salary$49,245