Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic Imaging

Private, 2-4 Years School Located in Euclid, OH

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How much is the Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic Imaging tuition? For the academic year 2023-2024, Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic Imaging's tuition & fees is $9,540.

Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic Imaging Tuition & Expenses

2022-2023 Rate
Tuition & Fees$9,540
2023-2024 Estimates
Tuition & Fees$9,363

Average Tuition By School Type and Comparison

Compared to 2-4 years schools nationwide, Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic Imaging' tuition is much lower than the average tuition of $20,937. Compared to private, 2-4 years colleges in Ohio, its tuition is much lower than the average tuition of $20,462.
Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic Imaging$9,540
U.S. 2-4 Years Colleges$18,672
Public Schools$7,199$12,960
Private Schools$20,937
Ohio 2-4 Years Colleges$18,114
Public Schools$8,568$13,115
Private Schools$20,462

Compare Similar School's Tuition

The next table compares the tuition & fees between Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic Imaging and similar schools. The similar colleges are selected by school type & level (private, 2-4 years), ranking, and comparison frequency by our users. The comparison is based on 2022-2023 tuition rate.
LocationTuition & Fees
Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic ImagingEuclid, OH$9,540
Apollo Career CenterLima, OH$725
Ashland County-West Holmes Career CenterAshland, OH$7,875
Ashtabula County Technical and Career CampusJefferson, OH$13,500
Auburn Career CenterConcord Twp, OH$8,375
Buckeye Hills Career CenterRio Grande, OH$13,820
Butler Technology and Career Development SchoolsMonroe, OH$6,200
Canton City Schools Adult Career and Technical EducationCanton, OH$15,375
Central School of Practical NursingIndependence, OH$18,300
Choffin Career and Technical CenterYoungstown, OH$12,889
Columbiana County Career and Technical CenterLisbon, OH$11,400

Financial Aid and COA

At Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic Imaging, 20 students (50%) received grant or scholarship from the federal government, state or local government, the institution, and other sources. The average amount of grant/scholarship received is $2,313.
The financial aid data is based on 2021-2022 statistics from IPEDS.
Tuition & Fees$9,540
Average Financial Aid$2,313
Type of AidNumber Receiving AidPercent Receiving AidAverage Amount of Aid Received
Grant or Scholarship2050%$2,313
Pell Grants2050%$2,313
Federal Student Loan2973%$3,494

Student Population

Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic Imaging has a total of 37 students (all undergraduate). By gender, there are 8 male students and 32 female students attending Cleveland Clinic Health System-School of Diagnostic Imaging.
Undergraduate40 832

Directory & Academic Information

Directory Information
Address18901 Lakeshore Blvd, Euclid, OH
Degree & Programs
Program Offered1 Programs
Academic Stats
Student Population37
Students to Faculty Ratio Rate12 to 1
Faculty & Staffs
Number of Faculties3 (Full-time), 2 (Part-time)
Number of Staffs4 (Full-time), 2 (Part-time)